We are looking for ACPA Group Facilitators to participate and to give input on the usefulness and effectiveness of an interactive resource on...
September 28, 2022, at 2-3:30 PM CST. (More Info Below)
September 28, 2022, at 2-3:30 PM CST. (More Info Below)
The National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic—a public-private partnership of more than 60 organizations working to advance multi-sector, interprofessional solutions to reduce opioid misuse and improve outcomes for individuals, families, and communities affected by the opioid crisis—has recently launched a new, interactive resource.
The Chronic Pain Journey Map
Informed by individuals with chronic pain and clinicians in pain management, this online, person-centered tool aims to illustrate the diverse experiences of persons living with chronic pain as they navigate the care environment, highlighting gaps in chronic pain care, identifying actions that can be taken to improve the pain management process, and directing users to helpful evidence-based resources and information. This serves to both empower the individual as the director of their own journey and reorient health care stakeholders to better partner with patients and families, utilize person-centered insights as data to inform health care delivery, payment, and reimbursement, and ultimately improve the state of chronic pain management.
In an effort to increase awareness of the map and encourage its broader uptake and utilization among key stakeholders, we are collaborating with the National Academy of Medicine, American Chronic Pain Association, and the National Pain Advocacy Center to convene a 90-min, interactive discussion of individuals with chronic pain that will focus on exploring and identifying opportunities to (1) improve the functionality and usability of the map and (2) further disseminate and expand the reach of the map among those impacted by pain and their communities. Feedback gathered during the discussion will inform additional efforts which may include the development of complementary tools, resources, and materials to assist with greater uptake and utilization of the map.
The Chronic Pain Journey Map
Informed by individuals with chronic pain and clinicians in pain management, this online, person-centered tool aims to illustrate the diverse experiences of persons living with chronic pain as they navigate the care environment, highlighting gaps in chronic pain care, identifying actions that can be taken to improve the pain management process, and directing users to helpful evidence-based resources and information. This serves to both empower the individual as the director of their own journey and reorient health care stakeholders to better partner with patients and families, utilize person-centered insights as data to inform health care delivery, payment, and reimbursement, and ultimately improve the state of chronic pain management.
In an effort to increase awareness of the map and encourage its broader uptake and utilization among key stakeholders, we are collaborating with the National Academy of Medicine, American Chronic Pain Association, and the National Pain Advocacy Center to convene a 90-min, interactive discussion of individuals with chronic pain that will focus on exploring and identifying opportunities to (1) improve the functionality and usability of the map and (2) further disseminate and expand the reach of the map among those impacted by pain and their communities. Feedback gathered during the discussion will inform additional efforts which may include the development of complementary tools, resources, and materials to assist with greater uptake and utilization of the map.