Dr. Steven Feinberg is a physiatrist and pain medicine specialist practicing in Palo Alto. He is an Adjunct Clinical Professor and teaches at the Stanford University Pain Service. He is a past president of the American Academy of Pain Medicine and the California Society of Medicine & Surgery. He served previously on the Western Occupational & Environmental Medical (WOEMA) Board Of Directors. Dr. Feinberg received the 2021WorkCompCentral Comp Laude Physician Professional of the Year Award.
He is a senior author of the 2021 ACPA-Stanford Resource Guide to Chronic Pain Management. Dr. Feinberg served as Panel Chair for the ACOEM Chronic Pain Guidelines. He serves on the ACOEM Opioid Guideline Panel. He is on the AMA Guides Newsletter Advisory Board, the AMA Guides® Editorial Panel, and he is a member of the AMA Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force. Dr. Feinberg is an Expert Reviewer for the Medical Board of California and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. |